Saturday, July 14, 2018

Day 2 - Post 1: No power, no shower!

Once again we woke up to discover that Jirama had cut off power.  At 07:11, we heard the remote for the heating beep and realized we had power again, and thus no water at all.  So I quickly ran the shower to see if I could get hot water, but it kept running colder.  Just as I was plucking up courage to have a really cold shower it turned hot! Hurrah!  I hurriedly shampooed my hair and rinsed it off.  Thankfully I absent-mindedly didn’t apply conditioner and only a little shower gel came out of the guesthouse’s dispenser, because the power went off again! 

Much hilarity, as we recalled the last time, I encountered this situation!  Then I was 33 weeks’ pregnant and in a  room on the top floor of a little hotel in Porlock, Devon and had applied liberal quantities of shower gel!   Simon had to go down to reception and get a bucket of water for me.  This time the drip from the shower was adequate (but a very slow process)! 

We’ll see what the rest of the day holds for us!  We are supposed to be going out sightseeing.  Will it stop raining????

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