Thursday, July 24, 2014

Matthew's speech session

We were humbled at 6am morning devotions today to meet the three men who have travelled from Betioky to come to this session.  It is an 8 hour journey each way by taxi brousse .

The women came too on the same taxi brousse, ready for tomorrow’s and Friday's banner making session.  Partly they have come for what we have to teach and share with them, and partly to meet with other Christians.  Others will walk 5 to 8 miles to get here.

Apparently they have spent the night in the dormitory here, and will be cooking in the open at the fireplace.

The main event of our day was leading a session on voice projection and expressive reading.   Matthew led the former aspect, and we shared in the latter aspect.  Matthew observed afterwards that if, 6 months ago, someone had suggested he lead a voice training session – let alone to 52 people of an unfamiliar language – he would have considered it a most bizarre idea.  Bizarre or not, Sue and I were impressed with Matthew’s leadership.

Exercises before speaking to remove tension!

Overall, we think it was useful, though those who already stronger readers obviously had less to gain than others.

Simon and Sue

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