Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Babbs Amongst the Baobabs Again!

Simon & Sue Babbs are returning to the Diocese of Toliara, Madagascar in July. 

Simon will be working with the bookkeeping staff & auditor, while Sue will be stitching with the women, making crafts which can be sold in the local town and (hopefully) through Fair Trade agencies.

Supplies Wanted:
We are taking out many supplies with us to help kick-start this ministry.  If you have any of the following around the home, and no longer want them, we would be most pleased to take them with us: 
  • Seed beads
  • Beading needles and thread
  • Embroidery & darning needles
  • Reading glasses +1.50 magnification & stronger
  • Cotton stranded embroidery floss
  • Cotton perle thread
  • Denim fabric (old clean jeans would be perfect)
  • Crochet hooks (sizes D to K)
  • Ultrasuede 
  • Plastic carrier bags - the women will be using these to crochet bags and baskets, and are collecting them already, but we want to be sure we have enough.
    Clean, please.  Holes are fine. 
    Mariano’s look wonderfully elegant - see base! Jewel-Osco's form the sides and handles